Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Orange Roll Hearts

I like orange rolls - a lot.  They remind me of some elusive memory from
my childhood that must have been very good, because sometimes I crave them.

I thawed the dough overnight in the fridge so it would be workable.

Take one of the orange rolls and unroll it.  Press and knead to make all edges even.

Take each end in separate hands and roll toward the center.

Pinch the bottom so it looks like a heart.

Let rise.  Once again, I got distracted by a sick child, laundry, a child whose cast had to be redone today, a preschooler picked up, and the piano teacher arriving, so I let them rise too long.  If I hadn't, I think they would have been perfect.  Next time, I would have more distance between them on the cookie sheet and I probably would have pinched the bottom of the heart to be more distinct. 

However, this blog isn't about perfection.  This blog is about making food for your family that smells good when they walk in the door after school and work.

What do they care if it you let it rise too long when it ends up looking and 
tasting like this??


  1. I need to look at this blog more often. I missed a ton of Christmas things I could have made. I am making these orange rolls!!!

  2. Those are adorable! I think they look like two little lovers or kiddos all cuddled up together. Perfect! :)

  3. I Love you creative woman and friend and I love that you are blogging again.
